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Thomas Bogaert

The Visitor

The Visitor
The Visitor
Installation views
Installation views
Installation views
Humming bird
Sun reflexion
Silver Snow
the Democrat
Friends of Tarzan, zilververf op poster, 170 x 135 cm
Tarzan, Zilververf op poster, 28 x 40 cm
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
Cage and aviary birds
installation view 'Houston-Texas'
installation view 'The White Giant' & 'Triple X'
The White Giant
The White Giant
Caravan, 30 x 40 cm, mixed media
Ford GT 40, 30 x 40 cm, mixed media
Golden Lamborgini, 30 x 40 cm, mixed media
Super 8, videoloop, SMAK, Gent (B)
Super 8, videoloop, SMAK, Gent (B)

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Steunpunt voor beeldende kunsten, podiumkunsten en klassieke muziek.