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Guillaume Bijl

Feestelijke beelden

Reflections about my work.

 can split my work up into different groups:
 Transformation installations: A reality within non-reality.
 Situation installations: A non-reality within reality.
 Compositions: Contemporary, archaeological still life.
 Sorries: A form of absurd poetry. 

In recent years I have also made a lot of installations about cultural tourism.
In general my work is often about public perception. I create installations within my fictional reality: a sort of situation.
 The social aspect of my work is to reveal the archaeology of our time, but now. (Ironic, with humour and in a tragic-comedic manner).
Guillaume Bijl, 2006

Feestelijke beelden
Installatie: 'Matrassenland'
Installatie: 'Bidetmuseum'
Installatie: 'Museum van het Graafschap Watou'
Installatie: 'Wahlkabinenmuseum'
Installatie: 'Wunderkammer'
Installatie: 'Romeinse Straat'
Installatie: 'Caravan Show'
Installatie: 'Fami Home'
Installatie: 'Spiegelstand'
Installatie: 'Composition Trouvée' (25 jaar)
Installatie: 'Schietoefenzaal'
Installatie: 'Lustrerie Média'
Installatie: 'Autorijschool Z'
Installatie: 'TV Quiz décor'

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.