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Galila’s P.O.C.

Galila's collection presents itself as a contemporary curiosity cabinet bearing countless objects of a seemingly disharmonious nature. However, the abundance of crafts in all genres has organized themes evoking motley accumulation and classifications one can find in Renaissance curiosity cabinets. At the heart of this untimely accumulation of artworks a particular interpretation of the world is deployed, made by a woman devoted body and soul to building her personal art world. For more than fifteen years, it is chiefly her passionate gaze that guided Galila’s instinctive choices. This is one of her main initiatives as an art collector. Her attraction to works of art, as with objects in general, voices a passion for pure aesthetics; form, colour, vibration, material and texture initiate an array of visual appreciation. Consequently, it is in the sole power of attraction of an artwork that Galila’s aesthetic sensibility is triggered, surrendering to the magnetism of art. An acquisition has never been the fruit of reason, scheme or speculation nor has it been the knowledge of his value.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.