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Sander Geerts

Sander Geerts

He started playing at the age of eight.
In 1999, he won the first price of the Axion Classics Competition. Afterwards, he studied at the Antwerp Conservatorium with Leo De Neve and later on, he
specialised with famous players suchs as Michael Kugel, Ervin Schiffer, Bruno Giuranna, Nobuko Imai, Hartmut Rohde en Yuri Bashmet. In 2006, Mr. Geerts
was prize winner at the the Lionel Tertis International Viola Competition in the UK. Often, he plays solo with divers ensembles and orchestras such as the Hermes Ensemble and deFilharmonie.

From 2008 on, he is principal viola in deFilharmonie. As of now, he is member the Kryptos Quartet.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.