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La Hispanoflamenca


La Hispanoflamenca specialises in 16th- and 17thcentury polyphony from the Low Countries and the Iberian peninsula, with special attention for composers from the North who looked for their salvation in the South, or vice versa. Compositions printed on presses in Flanders and rare music editions or manuscripts from Spain augment their repertoire.

The cast of La Hispanoflamenca consists of singers who regularly perform with ensembles such as Collegium Vocale Gent, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Al Ayre Español and the Amsterdam Baroque Choir. By blending the warmer Spanish timbres with more slender northern types of voice a unique tone quality originates, joining according to artistic director Bart Vandewege the characteristics of a good Rioja and a mature Flemish gin.

La Hispanoflamenca has already shone at several festivals in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain.

The CDs with compositions by Pedro Rimonte, a Spanish composer who resided in Brussels, were highly acclaimed by the international press. In partnership with the Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla, La Hispanoflamenca XL created a Mozart programme supervised by Monica Huggett and a Bach programme under the direction of Gustav Leonhardt.

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