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Hathor Consort


The Hathor consort was founde by Romina Lischkka in 2012. It aims to perform renaissance and baroque consort music in various instrumental formations. The viola da gamba is always the focal point.

The ensemble takes its name from the ancient Egyptian mother goddess Hathor. She was worshipped as the "mistress of the west" and welcomes the souls of the dead into the afterlife. She is also the goddess of dance, art and music. Hathor is also known as the primordial mother, and embodies the fundament of love and everything to do with the heart.

Together with countertenor Marnix De Cat, the Hathor Consort presented its first programme "Consort Songs and Fantasies by William Byrd" in the Network Early Music 2013. In december 2012, they worked on the project "Lachrimae - The Seven Teares of John Dowland" together with dancer Femke Gyselinck.

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