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Classics revisited

Kugoni Trio - Classics revisited (CD album scan)


Victor Herbiet
- Troïka

Charles Koechlin
- Épitaphe de Jean Harlow, op.164

Benjamien Lycke
- Pannenkoeken

Dimitri Shostakovich
- Five Pieces

Nimrod Borenstein
- Lullaby, op.81c

Paul Steegmans
- Inventie

Ward De Vleeschhouwer
- Warakun

Pieter Schuermans
- A tribute to Ferran

Tim Mulleman
- Tres

Jan Decadt
- Habanera

Kristina Arakelyan
- Two Pieces

Jan Van Landeghem
- Musette

Zita Bružaitė
- Elegija


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