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The Seven Symphonies: A Classical Tribute to Beach Boys Music

Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Alexandra Arrieche, Roeland Jacobs - The Seven Symphonies: A Classical Tribute to Beach Boys Music (Vinyl LP album scan)

Opname: 2-4 augustus 2021, Galaxy Studios, Mol.


  • The Beach Boys
  • Roeland Jacobs


  • Alexandra Arrieche


The Beach Boys, arrangement Roeland Jacobs
- Capella
- Room for Nature
- Beach Waltz
- The Nearest Faraway Symphony
- Symphony of the Unknown
- Symphony of the Little Bird
- Pet Symphony

"All symphonies are composed from 33 original Beach Boys songs"


Who released music on CD or Vinyl? Get an overview at Flanders Arts Institute.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.