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Fasch's oboe, music at the Zerbst Court

Musica Gloria, Nele Vertommen - Fasch's oboe, music at the Zerbst Court (CD album scan)


  • Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Johann Friedrich Fasch
  • Georg Philipp Telemann


Johann Friedrich Fasch
- Ouverture for two oboes, bassoon, strings & B.C. FaWV K:d4
- Lamento for two oboes, strings & B.C. FaWV O:F1
- Prelude for strings & B.C. FaWV K:G19
- Concerto for two oboes FaWV L:g4
- Canon Sonata for two violins & B.C. FaWV N:d4
- Fuga for two oboes, bassoon, strings & B.C. FaWV K:d4
- Quartet for two violins, viola & B.C. FaWV N:d3
- Oboe Concerto FaWV L:a1

Georg Philipp Telemann
- Oboe Concerto TWV 51:G2

Johann Sebastian Bach
- Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 21
- Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 156


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