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Years without history Vol 7 - Nosotros - Gaasbeek 14.7.2002

Wim Mertens - Years without history Vol 7 - Nosotros - Gaasbeek 14.7.2002 [CD Scan]


  1. And growth can be heard (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  2. Swirling backwards (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  3. From out of which (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  4. Bold forgetting (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  5. Songes (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  6. Venturing into colony (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  7. Further hunting (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  8. Working the ploughs (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  9. What that one does (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  10. Fantasmatic certainty (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  11. Bewildering din (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  12. Wound to wound (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)
  13. Often a bird (Live in Gaasbeek 2002)


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