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Flute Music of the Bach family: The Accent Recordings 1978-2014

Barthold Kuijken - Flute Music of the Bach family: The Accent Recordings 1978-2014 (cd best of scan)


  • Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
  • Johann Christian Bach
  • Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach


Cd1: Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonatas
Cd2: Johann Sebastian Bach
Cd3/4: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Flute Sonatas
Cd5: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Quartets for harpsichord, flute & viola
Cd6: Wilhelm Friedemann Bach - Duets for two flutes
Cd7: Flute Sonatas by the Bach Sons
Cd8: Works with flute by the Bach Sons


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