The Mint

De Munt/La Monnaie is a federal (Belgian) cultural institution. In 1963, it was proclaimed the National Opera. In 1981 Gerard Mortier became General Director. Under his management, De Munt’s choir and symphony orchestra underwent a thorough artistic reformation. He selected a daring repertoire and helped De Munt become a top international opera. In 1992 the leadership of the theatre was passed into the hands of Bernard Foccroulle. That same year, Rosas – under the direction of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker – was appointed company in residence at De Munt. De Munt and Rosas together created a new international school for contemporary dance - P.A.R.T.S. - the successor to Maurice Béjart’s MUDRA school. In 2007 Foccroulle was succeeded by Peter de Caluwe who aims to further develop De Munt into a platform for ‘current, true-to-life, candid music theatre, with respect for European thinking.’