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Sara Bomans

Busy Being Born #1 tem #5

Sara Bomans lives and works in Hasselt, Belgium. With humor as a thread her activities include drawing, installations, textiles, network projects, set design for theater, collaborations, painting, silkscreen prints, sculptures, dolls, video, photography ... in short, she puts herself no limits, and amuses herself. Although she can create as if possessed, her greatest ambition is to lead a happy life. In her work, she puts things in perspective under a thin layer of irony in themes such as 'femininity', life, reflections on the art world, uncertainty, taboos, etc.

Busy Being Born #1 tem #5
Busy Being Born #3 en #5
Busy Being Born #1


We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.