Credits Theater Froe Froe Théâtre des 4 mains Jean Baptiste Poquelin, nommé Molière Marc Maillard Maarten Bosmans Marc De Corte Véronique Decroës Nele Goossens Anaïs Pétry Jérôme Poncin Isabelle Van Hecke
Reruns Avaar 23 jan - 14 mar 2008 children's and youth theatre puppetry Avaar (une comédie française) 15 aug 2008 - 28 mar 2009 children's and youth theatre puppetry Avaar (une comédie française) 18 sep 2009 - 20 feb 2010 children's and youth theatre puppetry Avaar (une comédie française) 18-30 nov 2010 children's and youth theatre puppetry
Flanders Arts Institute Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts. Visit