Credits KOPERGIETERY Publiekstheater Randi De Vlieghe Mieke Versyp Dirk Du Chau Peter De Graef Barbara De Jonge Frank Hoelen Esther Lybeert Jan Schepens Peggy Schepens Isabel Voets Maurice Sendak Eva Bal Bruno Jonckheere
Reruns Wilde dingen 19 dec 2003 - 07 mar 2004 children's and youth theatre musical Sauvageries 22 feb - 03 mar 2006 children's and youth theatre musical Wilde dingen 27 dec 2004 - 27 mar 2005 children's and youth theatre musical Wilde dingen 30 jul 2006 - 13 feb 2007 children's and youth theatre musical
Flanders Arts Institute Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts. Visit