Acteur As long as the world needs a warrior's soul 14 jun 2000 - 24 mrt 2001 dans theater As long as the world needs a warrior's soul 07 apr - 23 jun 2000 dans theater As long as the world needs a warrior's soul 14 jun 2000 - 24 nov 2001 dans theater
Artistiek leider Project 1 - The Bacterial Tour 24 apr - 05 jun 2004 performance Project 1 - The Bacterial Tour 17 jul - 19 okt 2005 performance Project 2 23 sep 2005 performance Project 2 09 apr 2005 performance
Met S(ch)andalig korte stukjes 01 jul 1996 theater Don't kick a hammer 05 nov 2007 installatie performance theaterparcours REVISITED 26-28 apr 2007 dans
Muziek My Movements are alone like Streetdogs 20 jul 2000 - 19 apr 2001 dans My Movements are alone like Streetdogs 20 jul 2000 - 04 jun 2002 dans performance My Movements are alone like Streetdogs 20 jul 2000 - 27 mrt 2003 dans
Performance Project 1 - The Bacterial Tour 24 apr - 05 jun 2004 performance Project 1 - The Bacterial Tour 26 feb - 28 apr 2005 dans muziek performance Project 1 - The Bacterial Tour 17 jul - 19 okt 2005 performance
Van en met Project 2: Soma Sema 05 okt 2006 - 31 jul 2007 performance Frank Pay 16 jun 2006 performance Project 2 23 sep 2005 performance Project 2 09 apr 2005 performance Project 2: Soma Sema 17 nov - 30 sep 2007 performance
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