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Adrien Grimmeau

Adrien Grimmeau is a curator and an art historian. He has curated exhibitions on Belgian modern art such as Ferdinand Schirren and ses jardins imaginaires (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, 2012) and Walter Leblanc - Jef Verheyen. Dialogue with light (Musée d'Ixelles, 2016). He is also interested in art in the public space, to which he has devoted several exhibitions, including YO. Brussels Hip Hop Generations (BOZAR, 2017) and publications such as Dehors! Graffiti à Bruxelles and Being Urban. Pour l'art dans la ville (CFC-Editions, 2011 and 2016). He teaches at several art schools, and programmes the Brussels Art Film Festival, organised annually by BOZAR, Cinematek and ISELP. Since 2018, Adrien Grimmeau has been the director of ISELP in Brussels.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.