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Tim Goossens

Born and raised in Belgium, he moved to Paris and earned a Masters in art history at the KULeuven and Sorbonne (Paris) and master cum laude in Museology at the Ecole du Louvre. He moved to New York in was an assistant-curator at MoMA PS1 until 2010. In New York he organized exhibitions together with Belgian artists Pieter Vermeersch, Philip Metten, Dirk Braeckman, Kasper Bosmans en Edith Dekyndt, and at the museum he collaborated amongst many other shows on Greater New York, a Kenneth Anger retrospective and he co-founded the acclaimed Saturday Sessions performance series.
Currently he is a curator at The Clocktower Gallery, one of the oldest non-profit art space in the US, where he has worked with Patti Smith, Antony Hegarty, Nomi Ruiz, Nancy Holt and Joan Jonas. Since 2014 he's also a professor at the Sotheby's Institute of Art. His curatorial focus lies in interdisciplinary and international artistic (studio) practice.

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