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Frederik De Preester

Frederik De Preester is a conceptualist, exhibition designer and poet. After his training as a clinical psychologist, he worked for the Museum Dr. Guislain for ten years as a scientific collaborator, specialising in making the history of psychiatry accessible to a broad public. He is also the (co)curator of several temporary exhibitions and coordinates the European activities of this museum, which has won both the Museum Prize and the Cultural Heritage Prize. Since 2009, he has been working with Handelreizigers in Ideen as an exhibition maker and curates the historical exhibitions. De Preester also takes care of the concept, direction, programming and production management of artistic, content-related and festive events. His specialities are visual thinking and writing, conceptualising and elaborating and empathising with art and other businesses.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.