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Ane Vester

Colour Stripe Painting 01

Ane Vester's work touches on various levels of our experience of the external world, stretched as it is between bodily anchored sense perception, cognition, memory and history. With the simplest possible means and setting out from a self-imposed expressive minimalism, she attempts to evoke qualities of experience whose scope reach far beyond the concrete material, since that scope, for instance, encompasses the entire room in which the work is shown.
Throughout, her works enable one to maintain a double focus on the world; the starting-point is always the sensory given, a thing in space, a colour, a concrete surface. But this material is opened up towards an otherness, a conceptual or spatial context that displaces it in unexpected directions. She hereby explores the possibilities of an expansion of things, and particularly colours, of their extension  into space, whether it be of memory, of personal history or of an otherwise attributed sense.
(Mikkel Bogh)

Colour Stripe Painting 01
Colour Stripe Painting 02
Colour Stripe Painting 03
Glass Paintings
Glass Paintings
Colour Slide Series 01
Colour Slide Series 02
Colour Slide Series 03
Index, Book 01
Index, Book 02
Zonder Titel

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.