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Nadia Naveau

Nadia Naveau - Art Brussels, 2015

The sculptor Nadia Naveau experiments with form, materials and the use of colour. She is always on the move. In her sculptures she combines inspiration from various contexts, modeling them into a singular, idiosyncratic iconography. Naveau creates life-sized sculptures, as well as very small ones, and always first in clay. Later she realizes her images in very different materials: plaster, ceramics, polyester, concrete or plastic.
In her oeuvre Nadia Naveau seamlessly unites forms and iconographies from previous periods with those of contemporary society. Anything can become a source of inspiration to her. Every image has its own story. Her material, the use of colour and the formal language is impressively expressive. She does not recognise any boundaries between figuration and abstraction, the baroque and the restrained, the contemporary and the classical, and she mixes all these categories in her works.
Naveaus’ images never consist of just one form; they are always composed of different forms and/or materials. Her work is many-faceted and polyphonous.

(Sofie Vermeiren)

Nadia Naveau - Art Brussels, 2015
Nadia Naveau - Magic Mama, 2015
Nadia Naveau - A Random Sample 2 (detail), 2014
Nadia Naveau - A Random Sample 2, 2014
Nadia Naveau - Danoota, 2014
Nadia Naveau - Figaro's Triumph, 2014
Nadia Naveau - Rose-Water Sun-King’s Delight, 2014
Nadia Naveau - A Random Sample, 2012
Nadia Naveau - Les Bois de Construction Saint-Bonnet-Tronçais, 2012
Nadia Naveau - Nicholas Heracles, 2012
Nadia Naveau - Roman Riots, 2010
Nadia Naveau - Woody G’s Land, 2010
Nadia Naveau - Centurion City, 2009
Nadia Naveau - Into The Wild (Santa, Davy & Grizzly), 2010
Nadia Naveau - Le Salon du Plaisir, 2007

Art in public space (selection)

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.