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Agnes Geoffray

Suspended time

Taking the position of an iconographer, Agnès Geoffray seeks, elaborates and reactivates photographs. Throughout staging, or photographic appropriation, she discloses a world of tensions – underlying and mysterious. Her work interrogates the relic of gestures and archetypal posturing, which originate from a diverse repertoire: mythology, tale, news media, historical facts and press photography. Her photographs often emerge from archive sources, intimate events as well as social or historical facts: her propositions are the result of a fictionalised reconstruction process, and question the notion of reminiscence. 

These stories, these images that we assimilate unintendedly, get rooted in our memories, consciously or not, and convey an idea of a collective intimacy, a common referent. Reactivating this feeling is one of her favourite work methods. Picked along the way from books, internet or various archives, she reenacts and reinvents the images that surround us in our daily lives, thus engaging limitless metamorphosis via the viewer’s reconsideration of his own memory. Her work is connected to the poetic dimension of images, which approaches a documentary lyricism.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.