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Overtoon is an artist-run platform for research, production, distribution of sound art, and sound-based installation art or experimental media art, directed by Aernoudt Jacobs and Christoph De Boeck. Artists can make use of the workspace in the center of Brussels, production tools, technical expertise, artistic feedback, production administration, financial support, and a broad international network. Overtoon offers two types of residencies: production residencies and research residencies. While production residents are invited to work in their studios up to a year in order to deliver a work of art that Overtoon will present in its network, research residents can find a spot in their studios for a shorter amount of time in order to investigate an aspect of their work that is related to sound. There are no calls for projects. Instead, artists can contact Overtoon for research residencies on a flexible basis. On the other hand, production residencies are based on an ongoing dialogue with artists involved in the Overtoon network. Overtoon is supported by the Flemish Community and the Flemish Community Commission in Brussels.

Work spaces

Work spaces offer specialised infrastructure for artistic work and support development.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.