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Arabanda proposes songs from the Arabo-Andalusian repertoire.

Arabanda started with the collaboration of accordion player Piet Maris and singer Laïla Amezian. Their paths had crossed before with Ishq, a classical arabic music project by Weshm, but more importantly with the band Jaune Toujours. Based on these experiences a more elaborate collaboration seemed the logical thing to do and Arabanda was born.

Arabanda proposes songs from the Arabo-Andalusian repertoire, approaching this age-old repertoire in a fresh and singular way, moulding it in particular arrangements and personal interpretations. The characteristic accordion playing, supported by the rythm section of drums and double bass and the brass and reeds section, make Arabanda a very innovative project.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.