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Am Siebenten Tage

Camerata Musica Limburg - Am Siebenten Tage (CD album scan)


  • Jan Schumacher


  • Camerata Musica Limburg


Kurt Bikkembergs
- Stabat Mater
- Alleluiae Con Cordis
- Am Siebenten Tage
- Qui Manducat
- Scio Cui Credidi
- Tria Cantica Sacrae Mariae
- Schlaflied

Roland Coryn
- Amidst the flowers
- Rorate caeli

Vic Nees
- Domine, ne in furore

Maarten Van Ingelgem
- 24121914

Rudi Tas
- Dextera Domini

Noor Sommeryns
- Drink to me only
- I will give my love an apple


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