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Setting sail

Vlaams Radio Orkest - Setting sail (CD album scan)


  • Michel Tilkin


  1. Series theme opening tease
  2. The great voyagers
  3. Wendazzko
  4. Arabian sunrise
  5. Pacific voyage
  6. Scent of time
  7. Imperial visions
  8. Voyage of the dragon
  9. Tai hu harvest
  10. Eastern seas
  11. Qi wei
  12. Searching
  13. Aegean light
  14. Fath al Kheir
  15. Series theme string quartet
  16. Ancestors
  17. Sagres theme
  18. Forgotten harbors
  19. Sagres at sea
  20. Vanished glory
  21. Frescoes
  22. Tumutea
  23. Series theme end credits


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