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De andere kust

Kadril - De andere kust [CD Scan]


  1. A fényes nap immar elnyugodott (The Radiant Sun Has Already Gone Down)
  2. De gespeelkens
  3. The New York Trader
  4. Tul a vizen - ördög söre (Across the Water)
  5. Treurig lied
  6. The Dreadnought
  7. Elment az en rozsam (My Sweetheart Has Left Me)
  8. Matty Groves
  9. Milor a Szoroson (When You Go Down the Defile)
  10. The Americans Have Stolen My True Love Away
  11. De scheiding
  12. De lutine - Le Canal en Octobre
  13. De andere kust
  14. American Tune
  15. Ludasim, pajtasim (Goose Girls, My Friends)
  16. Kecskes
  17. Gone to America
  18. Cluck old Hen - Whiskey Before Breakfast
  19. Amerika is een schoon land


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