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Pawlowski, Trouvé & Ward

Pawlowski, Trouvé & Ward - Pawlowski, Trouvé & Ward [CD Scan]

Split-cd waarbij de drie (ex-)gitaristen van dEUS een afzonderlijke bijdrage leveren.


  1. All is mask
  2. Hey, are you looking for something?
  3. 1000 Sleepless nights
  4. Sometimes I hear voices
  5. The God of small disasters
  6. Dreams
  7. Postcards
  8. Logical order
  9. Uncertainty
  10. Seashore
  11. Laughing version
  12. Nudity
  13. Death, a physical disaster
  14. Come share my mood
  15. For those about to wait
  16. In the presence of something small
  17. Inside a diamond
  18. Necrowaves (chapters 5-8)
  19. Beautiful/Dysfunctional
  20. False insect II
  21. Attus Ksam Si Lla


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