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21 Pop & Rock songs from Flanders

Diverse uitvoerders - 21 Pop & Rock songs from Flanders [CD Scan]


  • Diverse uitvoerders


  1. 50 Watt (Edit) - Hooverphonic
  2. Baby lone star
  3. Dictionary
  4. British mode
  5. Adrenaline (Single remix)
  6. La route
  7. Mourir à plusieurs
  8. Living for the weekend
  9. Ruby Red (Single edit) - Mintzkov
  10. Come on home
  11. You don't know (Single version)
  12. I love you
  13. These days
  14. Words
  15. No conspiracy at all
  16. Plane song
  17. Daddy's gun (Single edit) - Sarah Bettens
  18. The backseat
  19. Sun in her eyes
  20. Worn out
  21. Friday I'm in love


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Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.