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The ultimate best of

Telex - The ultimate best of (cd hoes)


  • Telex


  1. Moskow Diskow
  2. Spike Jones
  3. Rock around the clock
  4. Dance to the Music
  5. Euro-vision (French version)
  6. The Voice
  7. Wonderful world
  8. Beautiful Li(f)e
  9. Dingo Bells
  10. Pakmoväst
  11. Twist à Saint-Tropez
  12. En route vers de nouvelles aventures
  13. We are all getting old
  14. La Bamba
  15. On the road again
  16. Peanuts
  17. Second Hand
  18. Cliche
  19. Raised by Snakes
  20. I Don't Like Music
  21. Rendez-vous dans L'espace
  22. Finale


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Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.