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From North to South Live

Milow - From North to South Live (CD album scan)

Milow speelde na de release van 'North and South' tussen april 2011 en augustus 2012 meer dan 100 concerten in heel Europa, die bijna allemaal werden opgenomen. Producer Jo Francken en Milow selecteerden hieruit hun favoriete fragmenten. 'From North to South (Live)' bevat 13 tracks waaronder twee gloednieuwe tracks: Car Wreck In The Lake en de enige studio-track (en nieuwe single) 'Where My Head Used to Be'.


  1. Car wreck in the lake (Live)
  2. Little in the middle (Live)
  3. The kingdom (Live)
  4. She might, she might (Live)
  5. Move to town (Live)
  6. Dreamers and renegades (Live)
  7. You don't know (Live)
  8. You and me (in my pocket) (Live)
  9. Building bridges (Live)
  10. Never gonna stop (Live)
  11. California rain (Live)
  12. Ayo technology (Live)
  13. Where my head used to be


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Flanders Arts Institute

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