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Sam Vloemans - Nachtmuziek (CD album scan)


  1. Once upon a time there was a lullaby
  2. Doezelen
  3. Sleeping note
  4. Sonho Morena
  5. Intoxication
  6. Suite voor trombone en volle maan
  7. Lullaby for Lulu
  8. Glamour & glitter
  9. Tonight is the night
  10. Kuruetso
  11. Nnök zô sou
  12. The dream of the happy camel
  13. Une berceuse pour un film
  14. Scratch till morning
  15. La valse nocturne
  16. Alpha III
  17. K Complex
  18. Sueño cuarto
  19. Jam for early birds
  20. Dream song
  21. Once upon a time there was a lullaby (Vocal)


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Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.