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Ōgon Batto - Hedoro (Vinyl LP album scan)


  • Ōgon Batto


  1. Welcome
  2. Main theme
  3. Cup-bearer
  4. Theme (Choir reprise 1)
  5. Enter
  6. Re-encounter
  7. Veil voltage
  8. Smile
  9. Garden
  10. Reveal 2
  11. Theme (Silver reprise)
  12. Green gloss
  13. パチンコ
  14. Temple tennis
  15. Doubledecker dragon
  16. Speared!
  17. Erotic error
  18. Balcony
  19. Intermorse
  20. Europe evening dress
  21. 999 Fathoms
  22. Speedboat sphinx
  23. Reveal 1
  24. Web
  25. Did you know I am a female?
  26. Theme (Choir reprise 2)
  27. Swimming pool
  28. Spirit of ecstacy


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Flanders Arts Institute

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