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Les Cahiers de l'ACME

Logo van Les cahiers de l'ACME

ACME stands for 'Atelier Créatif de Musique Électroacoustique'. Between 1981 and 2016 the famous ACME 'cahiers' (notebooks) and their supplement 'Audio Pro' have been serving French speaking populations worldwide, reflecting the latest news on professional sound and music creation technologies and techniques, and its users. Today, all of their 35 years of investigation is stored in ACME's technical archives and are available to its members: manufacturers brochures, instruction manuals, service manuals, interviews, etc.. together with a huge collection of technical books from French and English publishers. Since 1989 ACME also edits its didactic 'Dossiers de l'ACME', a collection of popular booklets dedicated to the creative musician interested in taking advantage of the growing possibilities offered by today's cutting-edge technologies.

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