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Compagnie Barbarie


Compagnie Barbarie is a professional theatre collective consisting of seven women. All of them graduated from RITS in Brussels and decided afterwards to expand their individual acting trajectories with a collective project. Central to their work is the exposure of clichés and the debunking of prejudices: their productions broaden spectators' perspectives and rupture common preconceptions. In a complex and rapidly changing world we all crave a sense of stability, but this makes us dangerously susceptible to generalisation. This is why the female creators of Compagnie Barbarie throw all their talents into battle to contest visceral and widely accepted commonplaces, whilst forerounding a visual and comical dimension in each of their productions.


We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.