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In Flanders Fields Museum

The museum presents the story of the First World War in the West Flanders front region. It is located in the rebuilt Cloth Hall of Ypres, an important symbol of wartime hardship and later recovery. The permanent exhibition tells the story of the invasion of Belgium and the first months of movement war, the four years of trench war in the Westhoek, the end of the war and the permanent remembrance ever since. The focus is the human war experience. Hundreds of authentic objects and images are presented in an experience-orientated layout. Lifelike characters and interactive installations confront the contemporary visitor with his or her peers in the war a century ago. Every year the museum invites a contemporary artist to create new work about war and peace, or specifically about the First World War. The artist resides in Ypres to get familiar with the museum, the city and the region. During this residence the Research Centre provides substantial support and guidance for the artistic creation.

In Flanders Fields Museum invites one artist for a one year residency per year. The museum provides a working space for the artist and facilities to display an exhibition as well. 


We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.