By and with WITTEZWARTEPIETEPOPPEN 14 dec 1990 theatre HATSJIE 04 may - 30 jun 1990 theatre WIE ZIT ER IN DE WASMAND ? 01 dec 1989 - 27 mar 1990 theatre DE WASSERETTE 06 nov 1989 - 15 may 1990 theatre STILTE A.U.B. 21 apr - 24 jun 1989 theatre STILTE A.U.B. 21 apr - 07 oct 1989 theatre Current page: 1 next page
By and with 't Is crisis bij Spiessens 03 may 1985 theatre 1984 25 sep 1984 children's and youth theatre De liefde van een terrorist 29 apr 1983 theatre Het vreemde wereldje van Jacqueline 22 feb 1980 theatre Een hart van peperkoek Eerste les Nederlands Current page: 1 next page
Makers We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders. Go back to Makers
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