By and with De kikkerkoning 23 sep 1992 children's and youth theatre De rattenvanger van Hamelen 06 oct 1988 - 18 mar 1989 children's and youth theatre Alice in wonderland 30 nov 1988 - 10 jun 1989 children's and youth theatre De rattenvanger van Hamelen 28 nov 1987 theatre Assepoester 25 dec 1986 - 27 oct 1988 children's and youth theatre Assepoester ballet Current page: 1 next page
By and with De sneeuwkoningin 17 feb - 28 jun 1990 children's and youth theatre De sneeuwkoningin 17 feb - 11 nov 1990 children's and youth theatre De groene waanzin 08 sep 1988 - 07 jan 1989 theatre Een woelige overtocht 03 dec 1988 - 10 jan 1989 theatre De sneeuwkoningin children's and youth theatre
By and with Olleke en Bolleke 18 sep 1994 children's and youth theatre Bloot en meedogenloos 25 mar 1994 cabaret De vuurvogel 09 feb 1992 children's and youth theatre Ultieme misverstanden 17 jan 1992 theatre Opa is mijn beste vriend 28 sep 1991 children's and youth theatre Bloot en meedogenloos cabaret Current page: 1 next page
By and with De groene waanzin 02 jan 1988 theatre De dame en de klarinet theatre Konstantijn Onrust Konstantijn Onrust
Makers We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders. Go back to Makers
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