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Koen van den Broek

178 #3 (dark)

In Koen van den Broek’s work the possibilities of representation are investigated. In this process the photographic image is transformed into a painterly solution; and the view on his subjects, the urbanized landscape of Asia and the America’s, is always influenced by the European tradition he is part of. Van den Broek’s fascination for geometric and urban space is related to conceptual art as well as American abstract-expressionism. In his work, space is made by its borders and demarcations, and light is evoked with shadow, without midtones. This results in a certain degree of abstraction, which he emphasizes increasingly in recent work. To achieve this he samples existing images to a new one. More and more attention is given now to the picture-plane itself, on which architectural details and shadows become pictorial elements that create new constellations.

178 #3 (dark)

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