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Herman Van Ingelgem

Black Boxes

Herman Van Ingelgem makes installations, videos, objects and drawings. He even talks about prostheses: extensions of his thoughts, extensions to his body. With these artefacts he approaches the theme of architecture and examines how specific places influence our conditions. He evokes our private living environments with half-completed rooms in homes, replicas of furniture and everyday items. He also plays with public space using home-made buildings: a football stadium, prefabricated homes, hotel, swimming pool, a stand at a car show. Spatial structures that are familiar to us are not identical copies but created in different proportions or in different materials. They work thus as an irritation or an obstacle and they mark the numerous tensions between concept, expectation and reality.

Black Boxes
Home Sweet Home

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We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.