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Luc Coeckelberghs


Absolute space only exists as an idea.  An idea you can give a concrete form to materializing it.  It obtains an own identity if realized in a work of art.  While creating the object the physical reality is concreted mentally.  The object will intensify an experience of space.  This physical experience is accompanied with a mental experience, a mental space.

My research is directed to the relation of the mental and virtual space of the object and the actual space in which it is situated.  In this way a confrontation actual space - virtual space comes into existence.  Here I give my attention to  a relation between the subject and the plastic object, to a relation between that object and the concrete space it is placed in, and to a relation between the same subject and the space in which it is present.

(Catalogue Galerie Charles Kriwin, Brussels, 1979)


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