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Roland Gunst / John K Cobra


Roland Gunst (* 1977) is a self-taught conceptual artist, filmmaker and musician of Belgian-Congolese descent, living and working between Belgium and South Africa.
His work emerges from an autobiographical perspective, being raised in a bicultural family in Congo and migrating to Belgium around the age of 12.
Through performances, film and visual art, he reflects on Afro-European strategies and narratives of liberation to counter strategies of oppression on (body) identity and trauma instilled by brute capitalism and its artificial fragmentation of life.
Gunst’s strategies are developed around "spaces of correlation": spaces of similarity between European and African cultural traditions developed separately but using similar concepts of liberation and pratiques of critique.
Gunst uses the human body and architecture to create a trans architecture that functions as a moving site of memory. By creating disruptive hybrid concepts and mediums he defies the boundaries that define identity, culture, human condition and history.

Kwaga arcgitecture

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We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.