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27 Aug 2015Tanzhaus Nordrhein-WestfalenDüsseldorf, Germany
28 Aug 2015Tanzhaus Nordrhein-WestfalenDüsseldorf, Germany
17 Sep 2015Théâtre des AmandiersNanterre, France
18 Sep 2015Théâtre des AmandiersNanterre, France
19 Sep 2015Théâtre des AmandiersNanterre, France
20 Sep 2015Théâtre des AmandiersNanterre, France
01 Oct 2015Théâtre de la CommuneAuberviliers, France
02 Oct 2015Théâtre de la CommuneAuberviliers, France
03 Oct 2015Théâtre de la CommuneAuberviliers, France
13 Oct 2015L'apostropheCergy-Pontoise, France
29 Nov 2015Tanzhaus Nordrhein-WestfalenDüsseldorf, Germany
30 Nov 2015Tanzhaus Nordrhein-WestfalenDüsseldorf, Germany
01 Dec 2015Théâtre de la VilleParijs, France
02 Dec 2015Théâtre de la VilleParijs, France
12 Jan 2016TanzquartierWenen, Austria
13 Jan 2016TanzquartierWenen, Austria
14 Jan 2016TanzquartierWenen, Austria
15 Jan 2016HAU Hebbel Am UferBerlijn, Germany
15 Jan 2016TanzquartierWenen, Austria
16 Jan 2016HAU Hebbel Am UferBerlijn, Germany
09 Feb 2016Münchner KammerspieleMünchen, Germany
10 Feb 2016Münchner KammerspieleMünchen, Germany
12 Feb 2016Bürgerhaus UnterföhringMünchen, Germany
15 Mar 2016humainTROPhumainMontpellier, France
16 Mar 2016humainTROPhumainMontpellier, France
27 Apr 2016Teatro Maria MatosLisboa, Portugal
28 Apr 2016Teatro Maria MatosLisboa, Portugal
29 Apr 2016Teatro Maria MatosLisboa, Portugal
05 May 2016HAU Hebbel Am UferBerlijn, Germany
06 May 2016HAU Hebbel Am UferBerlijn, Germany
07 May 2016HAU Hebbel Am UferBerlijn, Germany
08 May 2016HAU Hebbel Am UferBerlijn, Germany
31 May 2016Théâtre de la BordéeQuebec, Canada
01 Jun 2016Théâtre de la BordéeQuebec, Canada
07 Jun 2016Monument-NationalMontreal, Canada
08 Jun 2016Monument-NationalMontreal, Canada
21 Jun 2016Republic SaalSalzburg, Austria
22 Jun 2016Republic SaalSalzburg, Austria

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.