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Time Has Fallen Asleep in the Afternoon Sunshine

timehasfallen  © Elly Clarke


06 Jul 2019Dansba'r KAAP / Vrijstaat OOostende, Belgium
09 Sep 2019Bibliothèque Le BalconSaint-Cergues, France
10 Sep 2019Bibliothèque de la CitéGenève, Switzerland
11 Sep 2019Château de Ferney-VoltaireFerney-Voltaire, France
12 Sep 2019Black BoxOslo, Norway
12 Sep 2019Bibliothèque de NyonNyon, Switzerland
13 Sep 2019Bibliothèque de la CitéGenève, Switzerland
14 Sep 2019Black BoxOslo, Norway
14 Sep 2019Fondation Martin BodmerCologny, Switzerland
15 Sep 2019Black BoxOslo, Norway
15 Nov 2019Black BoxOslo, Norway


Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.