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Action Scénique

Claire Croizé and Etienne Guilloteau met while they were studying at P.A.R.T.S. Since then they have formed a couple in daily life, but as performing artists they also support each other as dramaturge or performer in the development of their oeuvre. This is why they founded the Action Scénique organisation with Nada Gambier. The term originates from the world of opera. It refers to a movement away from the traditional form of opera in which the story and illusion provide the tone. The azione scenica focuses on the actual here and now of the stage. It seems like a synopsis of everything Guilloteau and Croizé stand for. Their work shies away from overly obvious stories or an exaggerated aesthetic and searches for a balance between theatricality and physicality, reality and fiction.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.