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An Vanderlinden

The Resurrection - Charbon de Beringen

An Vanderlinden was born in a coal miner’s family of “het zwarte Beringen” (Black Beringen) – a former mine region in the Belgian province Limburg. She adores the colour black. And coal as well. It couldn’t be different . She developed her own paint from the coal taken from the conveyor belts in Beringen’s old mining venues: a transparent glossy brown one and the blackest black paint existing. Applicating the paint layer by layer and combining it with rough pieces of coal, she is creating not only an effect of depth, but bringing light shades and a diversity of structure and brightness in her paintings as well. Her paintings are transforming themselves by changing the angle of view. 

Her art definitely shows a link with the past. But her art also can be considered as the imperishable developed from transience. The coal left on the conveyors of the mine venue, gets a new future. A bright future, as bright as the light reflected by the coal.

The Resurrection - Charbon de Beringen
Charbon de Beringen
Charbon de Beringen
Point of no return - Charbon de Beringen
Charbon de Beringen
Charbon de Beringen
Old roads leads to new paths - Charbon de Beringen
Sint-Barbara's opluchting
Take the leap - Charbon de Beringen
Traces of the future - Charbon de Beringen

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.