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P.A.R.T.S. is a school for contemporary dance. It provides a thorough technical training to dancers and choreographers and helps them develop into independent and creative artists. Dance is not considered an isolated art form; it is involved in a constant dialogue with the other performing arts – music and theatre. Both disciplines figure prominently in the curriculum, as P.A.R.T.S. always works towards the actual performance, the moment when the artist engages in a dialogue with the audience – the dancer as a performer, but also as a thinking performer. The school looks for students who are strong individuals, yet possess a sense of group dynamics.

P.A.R.T.S. is an international programme. The approximately 50 artists and lecturers who teach at the school come from Belgium, other European countries and the United States. At any moment the students represent over 20 different nationalities, coming from all corners of the world. The working language is English.

P.A.R.T.S. offers two independent programmes: the basic Training Cycle (three years) and the advanced Research Studios (two years).

Training Cycle

The Training Cycle is destined for young dancers and choreographers between 18 and 23 years old who want to start a professional education to be a dancer or choreographer. In the curriculum of the Training Cycle, the students gain an insight into the technical foundations of contemporary dance and they are confronted with the specific P.A.R.T.S. approach, characterized by an emphasis on body awareness, theatre and musical training, the development of creative and compositional skills, and theoretical reflection. The program does not offer separate tracks for dancers and choreographers, assuming that a dancer nowadays has to be a co-creator, and that a choreographer’s craft is rooted in the physical work in the studio, whatever form it finally takes. All students follow the same program, from the end of the 2nd year onwards there are certain periods in which students can choose between several options with a different focus. Click here for an overview of the courses. 

Research Studios

The programme of the advanced Research Studios is intended for choreographers and dramaturges between 23 and 35 years old, with a minimum of professional experience, who want to deepen and broaden their artistic activities through artistic research. Every cycle has a general theme, which is translated in workshops, seminars and the creative processes of the participants. The core of the program is collective work, complemented by individual research. Click here for an overview of the program of pilot#1 and pilot#2.

Summer Studios

P.A.R.T.S. and dance company Rosas make their studios available to young choreographers between July 10 and August 25. All those who are working professionally in contemporary dance can apply to use the dance studios. Send us a dossier about the work you intend to do. It can be a research period for the preparation of a new project. It can be part of the rehearsal period for an established production. It can also be a project created specially for the Summer Studios. For us it is essential only that a creative process is taking place within our walls. The Summer Studios offer professional dance studios (sprung floor, mirrors, sound installation, TV and DVD-player).


We try to list as many artists and organisations that collaborated on stage performances in Flanders.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.