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Eva Claus

AnyWay Eva Claus

Born in Brussels in 1992, Eva Claus is an audio-visual artist working primarily with 16mm film. Her practice is driven by observations of un/expected encounters with landscapes and people, natural habitats, space, psyche, circularity and means of film itself. Claus´s films exhibit a contemplative form of watching. In her recent films she uses an intuitive method of filmmaking in which she shares her interest in minimal narration. Claus was educated at the Friedl Kubelka School for independent film in Vienna, Austria and she obtained her MFA in photography at the Royal Academy of Arts in Ghent.

AnyWay Eva Claus
Eva Claus
Eva Claus Still Applause

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Steunpunt voor beeldende kunsten, podiumkunsten en klassieke muziek.