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Ex Tempore

Ex Tempore, founded in 1989 by Florian Heyerick, is a professional vocal ensemble that focuses on vocal music from 1600 till today in terms of a stylistically clear and a musically interesting approach. The concert and recording activities target the performance of lesser-known (vocalinstrumental) works from the baroque period.With variable strength – ranging across the whole gamut from solo to chamber choir – Ex Tempore explores the world of the motet, cantata, and oratorio. Among the highlights a Scarlatti project stands out, as well as a noted production in the Flemish opera with Monteverdi’s Il Ritorno d’Ulisse and an internationally acclaimed performance of Telemann’s Der Tod Jesu in Magdeburg.  Several CDs have appeared since, featuring works by Telemann, Händel, Monteverdi, Heinrich von Herzogenberg, the Scarlatti family, Johann Ludwig Bach, and Michael Haydn. Famous conductors such as Reinhard Goebel and Sigiswald Kuijken like to work with Ex Tempore and have brought the ensemble to important venues in Europe. 



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