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Robert Groslot

The sound universe of Belgian composer Robert Groslot fuses Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and Latin elements into a new and highly malleable language, building upon the achievements of the great composers of the Western heritage. Form virtuosity, sound refinement, wittiness, ‘rediscovered’ tonality and rhythmical adventure are the keystones of the music of Robert Groslot. He often draws inspiration from other art forms, especially poetry and painting. His work catalogue consists of two symphonies, many other orchestral works, 24 concertos, two chamber operas, three multimedia works, a cantata and many solo works and chamber music.

As a composer, Robert Groslot was largely self-taught. His broad experience with the big repertoire works, both as a concert pianist and as a conductor, became the perfect breeding ground for his composing philosophy. To give profound joy to the performing musicians, while striving for the strongest possible impact on the listener is essential for him in the creation of new music. Resulting in a distinctively coloured and rhytmically challenging writing, his chamber music has been referred to as ‘oxygen during practice and adrenalin during performance’. His multimedia works demonstrate just as much this optimistic vision towards art and life – brightly-coloured art movies with dancers and actors in a partly staged, partly virtual setting within a mysterious narrative, contemplating on life and seeking liberation from traditional frameworks.

Robert Groslot (°1951, Mechelen – Belgium) started his musical career as a pianist. After winning the Alessandro Casagrande Competition in 1974 (Terni) and becoming laureate at the Queen Elisabeth Competition (Brussels, 1978), he undertook concert trips accross 4 continents through more than 20 countries and made many studio, radio and television recordings, over 120 CDs.

A strong supporter of professional music education, Robert Groslot has taught piano at several distinguished music institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands until 2009. The majority of his career he spent at The Royal Conservatory of Antwerp where he was appointed Artistic Director in 1995. In the mid 1990’s he founded two succesful national youth orchestras that served as a training ground for an entire generation of musicians, many of whom can be found working professionally throughout Europe. 



Flanders Arts Institute

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